On 25th May 2018 the application of the overall regulation of protection of personal data during its processing started(Regulation 2016/679).
ORPPD allows citizens of the European Union (EU) to be in charge of the use of their personal data. In Trail Marathon Sliven the protection of personal data of the registered participants, the confidentiality of their storage are a priority of ours so that we follow all national and european requirements and reglations according to protection of personal data.
Circumscription of personal data
According to the new regulation „personal data“ is every type of information about a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, or ,to be more precise, with identifier, such as name, identification number, location information, onlain identifier, or specific to the physical, genetical, mental, economical, cultural or social identity of that person.
1.Collection, cultivation and use of data Just like most of the other websites, you can visit ours without exposing your identity or personal data. We gather only information and personal data (called „Data“ below) which you submit voluntary when registering for participation in Trail Marathon Sliven, by filling in a registration application: Name, Surname, Gender, Telephone number, Country, City/Town, Age, E-mail address, Distance, T-shirt size. We are obliged to inform you that for the conduction of the competition, Trail Marathon Sliven gathers, cultivates and stores only ana amount of personal data needed to accomplish the following: -Name and Surname -needed to identify the contestants in the distance classification. –Age –needed to sort contestants in age groups for each distance. –Telephone number –needed for telephone communication if any irregularities in the registration of contestants occur. –E-mail address –needed for entering the portal for checking „Registered participants“, whether the contestant has a valid registration for the competition. –Gender –needed for sorting in the classification men/women. –Distance –needed to make start lists of the distances of Trail Marathon Sliven. The website does not deliberately collect or cultivate specific categories of personal data, as well as information for competitors under the age of 16.
2.Storage of information. We store all the information You send us unless You revoke in written form. You have the right to demand obliteration of Your data, partly or fully, anytime. We will fullfil Your demands immediately.
3.The right of access to the data With a demand in written form You can be given information about Your data.
4.Data leakage to a „third party“ We do not send the data we collect to a third party. To be absolutely precise we do not sell, render or exchange Your data unless this is a law demand or is specifically mentioned below.
5.Security We take care of the security of Your data and use all technical and organisational opportunities of storage of your data in ways that are inaccessible to a „third side“. All data is being stored in a server of a high-quality safety standard, which is protected against unauthirized people.
6.Time for storage of personal data According to the demands of the participants in Trail Marathon Sliven, personal data is saved for an unlimited perios of time or up until the moment of one‘s demand( in written form) to be erased from the report of the classification for the different distances.
7.Other personal data not of interess to Trail Marathon Sliven Trail Marathon Sliven does not collect, cultivate or storage other personal data, including subjective or „touching“( ethnicity, religion, education, sexual orientation, political or other kind of belonging, etc.), which are not needed for the execution of our purpose to cultivate and post the final results of the participants of Trail Marathon Sliven, seperated into distances.
8.When do we collect Your data We can collect and use Your perssonal data: -When You contact us through other websites and profiles(on social media) of ours. –When You make inquiries through the contact forms of the website. –For contacts abd communication with the website. –Needed as data for an invoice. –When You interact with us in another way as a consumer, partner, deliverer, executer, subcontractor etc.) For contacts with the website in accordance with personal data write to: